What is it?

Square dancing is done in groups of 8 people arranged in a square shape with 2 people per side. It is the perfect form of dance for people who don’t consider themselves to be dancers -all you have to do is step in time to the music to do the move that the caller tells you to do. It is joyful and social, not fussy. You can also keep learning with square dancing if you want -there are lots of levels to explore!

(While a close cousin of barn dancing or some of the square dance events that are held occasionally, our square dancing has enough moves and substance to keep you interested when danced on a weekly basis. Which suits you best depends on your time commitment. )

Square dancing has traditionally been done alongside what we call Round Dancing. Round dancing is essentially cued ballroom dancing on a track around the room as a pair (though our dancers often dance solo instead of sitting out!). But more fun than that, IMHO, because you do what move you are told instead of memorizing a sequence for a specific song. People typically start out learning to square dance, then pick up round dancing for the added fun and challenge. Our group dances 2-Step, Waltz, and Rumba/Cha rhythms.

This video is a great explanation of modern square dancing from the Puddletown Squares LGBTQ+ group in Seattle, Washington:

This video is our answer to social distancing and family bubbles in 2020: